
Frain’s subtle seduction and brilliant economy of means brings with it an ethical sensitivity to the human subject that might more effectively disseminate what the academy unwittingly excludes…
Amna Malik, Cleaning up the Picture, Rose Frain’s ‘What I brought with me’, n.paradoxa online 2004

Rose Frain’s outcomes are meticulously researched and intellectually rigorous, yet her work is always fresh, strongly visual and often has a visceral quality that triggers responses in the viewer. Her innovative approach means that she has avoided the trap of becoming formulaic in her work
Judith Stewart PhD, Curator

The artwork of Rose Frain is motivated by an incisive awareness of the vulnerability of the private individual which in recent years she has challenged through an internationally placed range of installations from the broadcasting centre of Radio Vaticana (Rome) to the laundry room of a British hospital. She consistently engages with those material circumstances that define the contemporary human condition in an unpredictable but meticulously focussed art practice that gives her intensive local research a universal relevance. Frain’s work is technically and conceptually exciting and always immaculately accomplished. More important it is brave and informed by a generous heart.
Althea Greenan, Chief Curator The Women's Art Library (Make), Goldsmiths College, London

Would not look out of place on the Turner Prize Shortlist.
The Scotsman.

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